Friday, 24 May 2019

Weekly Update - May 27 - 31

 Image result for abc clipart                          Image result for runclub clipart
As we enter the last week in May we are busily trying to complete all out our Grade One outcomes. In Science we are working on the Living/Non Living theme. We planted bean seeds and eagerly watched them grow. Our focus in Social Studies is life Then and Now. The students are amazed at how different things are today than they were years ago. They can't imagine life without a computer or a cell phone!

Last week we started the ABC's of grade one. As I thought" Bubbles and Bubble Gum" day will got high ratings from most of the students. I can't remember a time when I have had that much fun with bubbles!!

The Crowning of Mary celebration was on Thursday. Your children knew all of the prayers. They were very prepared and did a wonderful job. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to join us for the celebration.

On May 28th both Grade One classes are heading out to The Hubbard Collection at Lethbridge College. We will leave the school at 12:45 by bus, and will return to the school about 2:25 pm. Thank you to the parents who will be joining us as chaperones. 

Our running club is coming to a conclusion this week. Students will be able to run before school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Little Soul's Marathon is at CCH West on May 29th@6:30 pm. Can't wait to see all of the runners come out!

Dates to Remember: 

May 28 - Hubbard Collection fieldtrip - 12:45 - 2:15 pm
May 29 – Little Souls Marathon – 6:30 – 7:30 (C.C.H West)
May 30 – World Catholic Day
May 30 – Hot Lunch Day


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