Sunday 12 June 2016

June 13 - 17

The students enjoyed the picnic and games on Friday. A special thank you to all the parents who helped with the games and brought yummy snacks! The left over snacks will be offered to your children tomorrow as an extra treat. With help from a few parents, we also wrapped up our Summer Fun Raffle. The money we raised will be presented to the Lion's Club on June 15th.

We are about to begin our second last week of grade one!! Hopefully the weather will be full of sun and warmth. This will be a week packed with fun activities for students (and teachers too!).
On Monday we have out Hope Letter celebration- students will be reading and responding to the Hope letters you wrote to them at the beginning of the year!
It is also Q day and hopefully the pattern pieces we each decorated will be sewn into a quilt!

This week we will be reading with a grade five student on R day, bringing a stuffy on S day, showing classmates our talent on T day, and celebrating all of the summer birthdays on U day. Next Monday is V day so we will be eating popcorn and watching a video in the afternoon. Because of allergies and preferences, I ask that you send your child with an individual bag of popcorn and a bottle of water for the event. I hope your children have been enjoying the grade one alphabet, I sure have been enjoying their enthusiasm!

We are very close to the end of our year together and time is speeding by! I have completed the final assessments and have recorded your child's progress in Language Arts and Math from the beginning of the year to the end of the year on one sheet. We don't have formal interviews at this time but I am happy to meet with any of you if you are interested. Email or phone me and we can set up a time.
Dates to remember:

Jun 13 - Book sale starts today 

June 14 - All library books MUST be returned today.

Jun 16 - Safety City - bike safety

Jun 22 -  Sports Day

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