Sunday 26 April 2015

Weekly Update - April 27 - May 1

We said good bye to our student teacher, Miss Rynn, on Friday. We will miss her and we wish her well in her endeavor to have a classroom of her own! It will be great being back with the students full day though!

We go to Aggie Days on Tuesday afternoon. We will be sharing the bus with the Kindergarten group so we may not have enough space for parents to ride on the bus this time. We will leave the school about 12:30 so we should arrive at the Exhibition Grounds about 12:45. We will gather as a group once we get in the doors and then we will be divided into small groups. Once that happens, the chaperones will be able to take their group and wander around at their own pace until 2:05. As soon as we do a head count we will get on the bus and head back to the school. Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to join us!

Our special reader for the Walking Toward Literacy project on Friday will be Deacon Michael. We look forward to him sharing his favourite childhood books with us! Scholastic book orders are due this week.

Dates to remember: 

Apr.28 - Aggie Days - 12:30 - 2:15

Apr.29 - Hot lunch

May 4 - Running club starts

May 5 - Travelling Lab Coats

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